Old Updates

Yeah yeah, hush....I'm just archiving my old stuff so I know what the hell I've done.  Gives one a sense of pride ya know?

Update 7/01/05 6:34am: I need to post more...yes? Anyway..decided to take down the cosplay section and focus more on my writing...I have too much to do anyway...NOW all fanfictions are up and running..squee.

Update 8/28/04 4:26am:  Well, everything is up and running.  Except the cosplay section.  That should be up after Dragon*Con, which is next week.  I shall have pictures of a few of the costumes, and then will be able to talk about them more.  ^_^ Woo.  All fanfictions are online and fucntioning.  I hope.  Anyway, check the place out and tell me what you think!