
Hey hotstuff, leavin' already?  <pout>  Don'tcha want to hang with Yotan anymore?  Fine fine, I'll letcha go, I'll even give you a few links with which to amuse yourself...but you'd better promise you'll come back. <wink>  Email me if you wish to be added to the list!

8-bit Theater

This is the funniest damn comic I have ever read!  A must read for Sci-fi/fantasy geeks, sarcastic bastards and anyone who's ever plated Final Fantasy.


This comic can get really perverted, with lotsa anthromorphic transformations, bad jokes and anime references, and the giant hammer all anime chicks can summon.  The title has nothing to do with anything really, other than the authors name is in it.


Skyfall is an online manga that I find to be very cool.  It's a fantasy based manga on a world plundered by war.  Beware though, there is a bit of homosexuality in it.  But that's okay right? 

Exterminatus Now

Well...what can I say?  This is the damn funny Sonic looking comic I was talking about on one of the other pages.  It's all about some bungling Inquisition members.  What is the Inquisition and why do you care?  Click the link and find out!  It's fuuuuuuunnnnyyyyy!


Lotsa talented people here, I have an account but my stuff sucks.
I tend to visit here more often than Deviantart...they have a working search.  <nods>  That I don't have to pay for. Woo! is where I got my start.  Are you looking to read more stuff?  These places are great starting points.
Interested in cosplay and conventions?  These sites are great!  Cosplayidol has all sorts of other cosplayers displaying their costumes.  Usagichan has all sorts of convention reports, with pictures.  Lots of picture.  Lionel Lum, the owner, travels to so many conventions a year that it makes me extremely jealous.