
Hey there folks, you stumbled upon Crimson and Jade my little corner of the web! My name is Crimson Jynx and I'll be your host for this trip. On this site you'll find all my fanfiction. Anyway, just use the navigation bar to your errr.....left and we'll be set. ^_^ Also, please PLEASE read my general disclaimer before you decide to email me any bitchrants about my works. Capice?

UPDATE! 1/31/2006 8:27PM. Oh my god I'm alive. Not that anyone out there bothers with this site. XD Ah well. My hit count makes me happy anyway. I apparently had 15 visitors today. Wow. Anyway, just doing some random updates and things. I'm revising all of my stories and in a few days I plan on having another chapter added to Pain. Check back for that! Also, I'm planning on investing in a guest book, just to see if it gets used, so look for that too!

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